A downloadable project


It's well known that any and all (/simulated) Internet Drama swarming around many of today's Crowdfunded games is often far more interesting and exciting than the 'games' themselves - many of which are laughable self-parodies, destined never to release, leaving Backers high and dry with their dreams broken.

"StarLARP" takes this idea and runs with it - asking Players to cut out all scammy middlemen entirely, and simply create cool, strange HYPE based around a large, entirely fictional space game. The whole buzz about & around 'StarLARP' is the game itself..

How To Play 'StarLARP':

It's easy! Simply pretend StarLARP exists - but is forever stuck in 'Permanent Beta'. Perform all the usual heat and noise that occurs around a popular forthcoming game. For example, write plausible StarLARP articles, post too-good-to-be-true 'development screenshots', create overblown Youtube Reaction Videos and reviews, even release (barely / Euro-janky) playable StarLARP game executables and other Merch. You can even act (play) like you're living in the post-StarLARP aftermath, and sing a lament for what-could-of-been..

Please note the operational budget for this game is roughly $8B. When it reaches it's goal the entire blue sky gamedev bubble bursts.


StarLARP Devkit.zip 928 MB

Install instructions

Download StarLARP Devkit today and contemplate the ultimate hyper-generic space sim game of your dreams. Then make it happen - virtually!

This file itself is an example artifact from the StarLARP universe.