A downloadable Screenshot Art

Videogame Screenshot Art (Exhibit)

"The spectacle is not a collection of images, rather, it is a social relation among people, mediated by images."
- Guy Debord, Society Of The Spectacle

"Who is prepared to take arms against a sea of amusements?"
- Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves To Death (1985)

"Immense energies are deployed to hold this simulacrum at bay, to avoid the brutal desimulation that would confront us in the face of the obvious reality of a radical loss of meaning"
- Jean Baudrillard on Information, Simulacra and Simulation (1981)

"Thank you for submitting your project for consideration as a Volume publication. We've taken time to review the proposal and unfortunately, we don't feel it would fit with our publishing programme. I'm sorry I can't offer a more helpful response, but we wish you all the best in seeing your project realised."
-  Darren Wall, Volume

Carefully curated & polished Virtual Photography (videogame screenshot art) from the community, and my own Noclip images. 'Epic' or 'cinematic' style corporate Bullshots and other 'promotional' style marketing generally avoided. Instead we highlight the kitschy, the mundane, the liminal, the overlooked and unexpected. A sense of the more-real-than-real and 'out of bounds'

3055 images, 2GB.

There's an essay to go with this exhibit, which I'll put up on my site.

Updated 2 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorRobert What
Made withGIMP
Tags3D, Art Book, Exploration, Game Design, glitch, graphics, Liminal space, screenshots, virtual-photography
Average sessionAbout an hour


community screenshot gallery.zip 724 MB
noclip screenshot gallery 1.zip 583 MB
noclip screenshot gallery 2.zip 578 MB

Install instructions

Simply download, unzip, enjoy, contemplate and share. Images in Jpeg Xl format. Windows users can view .jxl images in Irfanview. Please leave a Rating after viewing.


All copyright to the game IP owners; all artistic credit to the original posters of Community screenshots. This free (as in Free Beer + Freedom) art project exists for the purposes of artistic expression, philosophical critique, historical archiving / archaogaming, academic study, social commentary and political satire. Remix, Mashup & Kopimi!


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